In an increasingly visual world, your dental logo is the signature of your brand. Logos make a first and lasting impression to prospective patients. Consider the logos for major global brands like Nike and Coca-Cola. Their logos evoke an immediate emotional response and brand identity for millions, many of whom are loyal consumers. The power of brands like these goes to show that instant logo recognition correlates with enduring brand loyalty. And while we can’t guarantee that your dental office will be a household name from Kansas to Dubai, we can guarantee that the right design will turn heads and help create even more awareness.
According to an intensive study by Dr. Hong at Missouri University of Science and Technology, logos ranked at the top when it came to where viewers’ eyes went — and stayed – on a number of websites.
Your logo is a staple of both your online and offline marketing. So how do you get the most mileage out of it?
• Don’t be too literal to stand out: Well Sites suggests: “Companies with great logos do not feel obligated to incorporate overly used icons, like … teeth… Keep in mind that a logo does not necessarily need to convey what your company does.” Ask yourself: Outside of the obvious “what a dentist does” graphics, what’s the best way I can represent the values and culture of my dental office?
• Get in with the right crowd, and still stand the test of time: The values and culture your logo reflects should resonate with the patients you want to attract. It should also convey the kind of experience patients can expect from you when they come to visit. And while these elements are unique to your practice, your logo should still incorporate some classic traits. Warm tones for a warm environment, or blues and greens for a peaceful one are some examples of colors that have retained strong connotations for centuries (in the West, anyway).
• Keep your logo clear… no matter where it goes: A well-designed logo will adapt well across sizes and formats. It should look as clean and crisp on a newsletter as it does on a billboard, as sharp on your website as it does on your business cards.
The number of colors, symbols, and styles that could potentially reflect your brand can get overwhelming, so partnering with the right designer can help you clarify the direction you want to go with your logo. Once you can define your brand, you have the foundation you need to draw in the best patients for your practice – and your logo will set the tone for every marketing tool you use. Once you have a strong logo, you’ll want to incorporate it into all kinds of custom dental products to further extend your impressions and marketing spend.