Patient retention is the question. Your recall campaign is the answer. Make it extraordinary with Custom Dental Graphic Design!
Keeping your schedule full is an ongoing challenge—made even more difficult by lapsed and lost patients who leave for reasons outside your control. In fact, a recent article on claims that dental patient retention is down to about 31%. The good news? You can turn your retention around with an effective recall campaign!
Why choose Custom?
Simply put, your brand is your identity. Custom branded Recall and Appointment Cards give your practice extraordinary marketing impact, based on your unique practice personality. If you’re not sure what direction to take your Custom brand, our team of dental marketing experts is here to help you define your vision and bring it to life in a way that will resonate with patients.
Reducing no-shows is easier with mailing services. You can send Recare Cards more frequently than 6 months.
Sending reminders twice within the 2-3 weeks before the patient’s appointment will allow the patient to reschedule if needed. It will also let you fill in any gaps should he or she cancel. Plus, SmartPractice can mail your cards for you for less time and hassle than it would take on your own with our in-house Mailing Services.
Get started with your FREE Marketing Consultation.
If you aren’t hitting these key marketing “R’s”, we can help. Schedule a complimentary consultation today.
- Retain & Reactivate: Some losses, like patients moving and changing insurance, are inevitable. Can you retain or reactivate 10-17% more patients that could otherwise be lost for these reasons?
- Re-Appoint: A healthy practice actively schedules future appointments at the end of each visit. Does your team target a reappoint rate of 85% or better?
- Reduce No-Shows and Cancellations: Are you proactively reminding patients to ensure that less than 20% of appointments are broken?
Contact us to learn more about SmartPractice Dental Graphic Design Solutions, Mailing Services or place your order for Custom Dental Recall Cards!