The Advertising Specialty Institute recently completed a landmark study that compared the effectiveness of Promotional Giveaways as advertising media.
The study conducted face-to-face interviews with businesspeople in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, London, Toronto and Montreal. The interviews took an in-depth look at Promotional Giveaways they had received and how they used them. The results might surprise you! The study found:
- The average total cost per impression for all promotional products was just $.005, which, when compared to TV at $.018, makes promotional items the best deal out there!
- 41% of U.S. respondents indicated their opinion of the advertiser was more favorable after receiving a Promotional Giveaway.
- 83% of U.S. respondents indicated that they could readily identify the advertiser who gave them they Promotional Giveaway.
- Of the items included in the survey, Supply Bags had the highest impressions per month with a startling 1,078. Plus, respondents kept them around an average of seven months. That’s more than 7,200 marketing impressions over the life of the Supply Bag, making the average overall “cost-per-impression” only $0.001!
Here’s how some popular Promotional Giveaways stack up in terms of usage and effectiveness.
Average number of uses per month: Average Cost per Impression:
Pens & Pencils — 18.2 times Bags $.001
Drinkware — 6.3 times Pens/Pencils $.001
Supply Bags — 5.8 times Calendars $.003
Drinkware $.004
National Magazines $.045
Spot Radio $.058
Primetime TV $.0018
Usability and visual appeal are two key factors in how respondents view Promotional Giveaways. They find:
When respondents were asked if they would do repeat business with the company that provided a promotional giveaway, they answered as follows:
Calendars Pens & Pencils Supply Bags
Useful — 91% Useful — 90% Useful — 88%
Attractive — 37% Attractive — 18% Attractive — 29%
70% of those who received Drinkware would
65% of those who received Calendars would
59% of those who received Supply Bags would
57% of those who received Pens & Pencils would
It’s easy to see how even the simplest Promotional Giveaways can make a positive impression that stays with patients long after they’ve left your office. Not only that, family, friends and other potential referrals will see your name as these giveaways are used, shared and passed along.
SmartPractice® has thousands of popular Promotional Giveaways that will help transform your practice, increase exposure to your information and bring new patients to your practice. Get started personalizing your own Promotional Giveaways today!
Marketing Specialist
Data contained in this report compiled from information found at: