Cool Dental Promotional Items Create a Tear-Free Zone
Ah, summertime. Days packed with anxious parents dragging in boys and girls who want absolutely nothing to do with you are upon us. The tantrums. The crying. The headaches. Or … maybe not. While going to the dentist might not ever be a child’s favorite summer activity, you can make it easier and more pleasant for everyone involved by making your dental practice a kid-friendly destination. How? With dental promotional gifts.
Putting Kids at Ease Starts Before They’re in the Chair
The soothing sophistication of a well-appointed reception area is appealing to adults, but can make kids feel out of their element. If you have the space, try dedicating a corner of the waiting room to a kid-sized table and chairs or a few tooth-shaped benches. Keep the table stocked with dental Coloring Books or free downloadable coloring sheets and crayons. Or let a giant stuffed animal from the Zoo Club serve as the office mascot. Kids will feel instantly at home and mom or dad can complete paperwork without interruptions.
The Remedy for Kids’ Dental Anxiety

Turn tears into smiles with the power of dental promotional giveaways.
Once kids are in the chair, the real challenge begins. The dental marketing experts at SmartPractice can help you squash the tantrums and hush the crying with cool dental promotional products especially for pediatric patients. Hand out the right giveaways and you can transform a child’s negative perception of the dentist office into a positive one.
Make your pediatric dental office a tear-free zone with SmartPractice’s popular Tooth-shaped Hot/Cold Gel Pack. At first glance, kids will think it’s a toy. But it’s actually a versatile gel bead pack that can be used to provide hot or cold pain relief—and a welcome distraction while in the dental chair. We recommend keeping a stack in the freezer and giving them to kids who are showing signs of dental anxiety or will be having a procedure that causes discomfort. Chances are, parents will be tempted to borrow the gel pack, so give them one of their own in a “grown up” shape and size.
Establish Trust and Build Dental Patient Loyalty with Dental Promotional Products

Tooth-shaped Gel Packs are a kid-friendly way to relieve dental pain and promote more loyal patients.
Don’t underestimate the value of dental promotional products and toys. They help you build trust by transforming tears into smiles and providing relief. And something tangible like a Smile Zone Coloring Book, cool Sqwiggly® Toothbrush Take-home Kit, or delicious fruity Lip Balm helps kids remember the good parts of the visit so they are less nervous on subsequent appointments. (And an extra sugar-free lollipop at the end of the visit is always welcome).
When kids are happy, parents are happier. Exceptional patient care, dentistry with a gentle touch and a reputation for making kids smile are sure ways to grow your pediatric dental practice.
Free Samples of Dental Promotional Giveaways
Looking for dental giveaways and promotional gifts that will bring smiles to pediatric and adult patients? Speak with a SmartPractice consultant at 800.522.0800 today.