SmartPractice’s company volunteer events have opened up a whole new world for ASI Production Operator, Selina Padilla.  This September,  Selina led a group of six SmartPractice employees in a volunteer project at UMOM New Day Centers. UMOM is a local Phoenix non-profit that provides job training, childcare, education, healthcare, treatment to residents and much more, all within the facility. 

“It’s great that SmartPractice gives us the opportunity to give back.”

Supporting with a variety of tasks, Selina and her group served lunch to mothers in need. They also helped with light administrative projects. A highlight was assembling and decorating treat bags with inspirational messages for children. 

quotes about volunteering


When asked about the highlight of the volunteer event, Selina said she’s grateful to have been able to donate her time and effort to an organization in such tremendous need of support. It’s made her “appreciate just how good I have it.” 

In addition to the time she spent volunteering at the UMOM facility, Selina went above and beyond by donating her children’s clothes. She is also looking forward to bringing her daughters to read aloud to kids during UMOM’s weekly Read To Me events as a way to continue to pay it forward. 

Selina intends to continue volunteering with UMOM as a member of the SmartHearts Comittee. “This is something I plan to keep doing as long as I’m with the company,” says Selina. “It’s great that SmartPractice gives us the opportunity to give back.” 

Learn more about SmartHearts, an employee-driven volunteer group founded in 2004 to encourage employees to give back. And stay tuned for more blog posts featuring SmartPractice employees who are making a difference in our community.